
Showing all 2 results

  • Books

    Little Little Baby

    Little Little Baby – A Sweet Lullaby: “From the author: As a young mom, I especially cherished my time with my young children when they were tired and cranky, and needed soothing, tender loving care to relax and go to sleep. I would talk to them in a sing-song way, simple little things about them, and they would respond by relaxing and going to sleep. As they grew older, they loved to see pictures of other young children, especially having me read to them with a show-n-tell picture book.

  • Mia's Baloon

    Mila’s Balloon

    “This is a story of a little girl named Mila and her little brother Sammy. Both enjoy playing with their balloons and bubbles but feel sad if a balloon burst or bubble solution spills. Mom hugs them and explains that everybody has feelings and it’s important to share them with someone you love so big feelings become small, and good feelings begin to grow.”